Now this is getting very interesting, and I sincerely hope the proof gets out and that SOB we call a "president" is brought to justice.
The article above at the national patriot gives the only plausible reason for the Benghazi cover up.
Why do you let a certain person die?
Because the situation would be fatally embarrassing if uncovered.
For some reason, the United States wants a regime change in Syria (explain that one! So does the Al Qaida!) so it turns out the United States has been smuggling weapons to the Syrian "rebel" forces through.... guess who.......yup... the US embassy in Benghazi!
In order to avoid an Iran-Contra fiasco and another Oliver North going to congress and testifying and or totally exposing Obama for the deceitful and not at all too caring or Nobel Peace Prize type of person he is - he let's the mob in Libya do his dirty work.
Seriously folks - do you really believe the United States with all of its covert and overt armed forces and counter insurgents in Libya were not capable of extracting its Ambassador or agents!??!
But what makes it really interesting, and I do not know why the republicans or the opposition have not made use of this yet is the fact that his hiding for four days and then blaming a "spontaneous mob" incited by a youtube video IS AN ADMISSION OF GUILT!
Yes, his behaviour is nothing SERIOUSLY FOLKS(!) less then a 12 year old saying "my dog ate my homework".
- Obama used Christopher Stephens and team as the fall guys for his iran-contra style gun running to Syria.
- Obama is so amazingly incapable and ignorant that this is an air-tight case for involuntary or indeed voluntary manslaughter.
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